Tuesday, April 20, 2010

discipline vs restriction & selfishness

I have given up buffets.
also 2 % milk.
I dont eat bagels.
or bread really.
I order vegetables at restaurants,
and i have swithced beer for liquor. mostly.
I dont waste anything.
not leftovers or shampoo
I compost.
Im polite, and smart.
Im pretty,
and concious.
I donate,
shop wisely.
Contribute to,
and support local organizations.
I am going to be working for a non proffit. very soon.
I never match socks.
I did not fill out my census.
I did not pay my mortgage.
I procrastinate. Also shirk duties.
I was almost fired from my job.
I slept to late
I ate too much,
I drink to often.
I have too many credit cards.
I can talk my way out of things.
I will prolly steal or cheat you.
dont worry about it.
you prolly wont notice.

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