Monday, April 19, 2010

Diminishing Marginal Utility


1lb of capers 2lbs of artichoke hearts, and 24 cup o' noodles.
What to do?

I got a membership today.
I walk around in awe of quantity.
no sticker shock tho. its reasonable.
to buy.
Not to use. Or to store.
so many things in such huge amounts. i feel wasteful,
that i might buy 3 squeeze mayonaise? what if i dont live that long?
who can i give one to?
does that defeat the purpose of saving money in quantity?
i cant plan ahead.
and i cant accept the purchase of an item that i will tire of by half way.
Its boring.
buying in such quantity determines the patterns in your near future.
I do not choose to eat granola bars fot the next 65 days.
but I did like it in California when you could buy half gallons of crown.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! Too funny I know the feeling... go with long term items, laundry soap as it's a NEVER ending battle, dish soap, swiffer refills you know the shit that makes your day a little easier however daunting the task. :0)
